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DEGA [DEvelopmental and Experimental Goods association]
RUN YOUR POCKETS ARTBOOK. Put it in your pocket. Wear away the cover. read the title. run your pockets.
Zine I created in response to tHe historical origin of the color dutch orange, printed in letterpress.
Doom, Scrolling. is a net art project i did in honor of the late MF doom. It is parody on the concept of doomscrolling.
Vinyl print car graphic inspired by the personification of iconic y2k cars of fast and Furious adjacent car culture.
SMOOV, is a frame by frame animation i created using procreate. It was a ton of fun bringing some of my illustrations to life
Tamagotchi Using blender, Arduino, adafruit trinket m0, Oled Screen.
A Collection of found media relevant to my creative choices and reflective of the influences of my childhood.